Vita's Tip In 10: What If The Business Dries Up?


Today I'm excited to dive into a topic that resonates with all of us in the business world, especially those in the window treatment industry. It's a fear that can keep us up at night – the fear of "what if the business dries up?" Now, if you tuned in last week, we discussed mapping out the next three years for your business. Today, we're going to address the anxieties that often accompany thoughts of growth, hiring, and the uncertainty of the future.

So, here's the scenario – you've got these fantastic plans in place. You're ready to hire, invest in new equipment, and scale up your operations. Then, you find lurking in the shadows is that nagging fear – "What if the business dries up?" What if, despite all your efforts, the phone stops ringing, your email inbox is empty, and your revenue dwindles away? It's a fear we've all faced, and it's a legitimate concern. So, what do you do when confronted with an entrepreneur’s worst nightmare?

Let me share with you two powerful thoughts that help me navigate through this fear. First and foremost, I want you to know that I, too, have faced these exact same fears. Despite my enthusiasm for growth and planning, I'm no stranger to uncertainty and the fear of the unknown.

Just this past spring, I shared in episode 60 about experiencing self-doubt and fears surrounding our very big - and expensive - decision to purchase and renovate a new studio, hire a full-time installer, and get a new work van and all the necessary installation tools - all amid a looming economic downturn.

It's okay to feel this fear. And it's equally important not to let it paralyze you.

So, here's the first technique I employ when the thought of "what if the business dries up" creeps in. I counter it with a simple yet powerful question – "What if it doesn't?" Think about it. The fear of the business drying up is like a coin toss; it's a 50/50 chance. So, when faced with this fear, I consciously force myself to say, "What if the business doesn't dry up?" It's about balancing the equation, giving equal weight to the positive likelihood that your business will thrive.

There's an equal chance that your business will continue to flourish, or even grow beyond your expectations. So, in those moments of doubt, consciously repeat to yourself, "What if the business doesn't dry up?" It's a simple shift in mindset that can make a significant impact on how you perceive the future.

Now, let's move on to the second technique. Building on the positive likelihood that the business doesn't dry up, I ask myself a series of questions. I do this by putting pen to paper – the act of writing helps me process my thoughts. I consider whether I'm willing to continue working at the same pace, under the same conditions, if the business doesn't dry up.

For example, if you're accustomed to working long hours, doing estimates on evenings or weekends, or if you're an installer putting in physical, demanding labor – ask yourself, are you willing to maintain this pace? If your work dynamic involves late nights and constant pressure, are you okay with that continuing?

Now, here comes the bonus thought, the third part of this process. As I reflect on whether I'm willing to persist with the current work rhythm, I ask myself a critical question – am I willing to continue living in fear? Am I ready to operate my business and life from a place of constant anxiety about the business drying up? Do I want to stay in a mindset of scarcity, lack, and negativity?

This is where the real crux of the matter lies. As I consider the possibility of the business not drying up, I also ask myself if I'm willing to let go of the fear that has been holding me back. Am I ready to embrace a mindset rooted in abundance, positivity, and the belief that good things are not only possible, they are also deserved?

So, to wrap it all up – the answer to these three questions becomes a powerful revelation. If there's just as much chance that the business won't dry up, then I'm not willing to work in the same way. I don't want to perpetuate feelings of exhaustion, resentment, and working too hard. And most importantly, I refuse to live my life in constant fear.

The key is to believe in the positive outcomes, have faith in the goodness that we all deserve, and a deep conviction that our fate is within our control. While we may not entirely overcome the fear, we can mitigate it, move through it, and take action despite it.

Know that the fear of the business drying up is shared by every entrepreneur, regardless of experience. It's especially prevalent in times of economic uncertainty. What sets successful entrepreneurs apart is their unwavering belief in positive outcomes and their commitment to creating their destiny.

As you navigate through these challenging thoughts, my friend, remember that “what if the business doesn't dry up” is just as likely as the opposite. So, choose to think in a positive likelihood scenario, and let that guide your actions. We can't control external factors. What we can do, is control our mindset and the actions we take to shape our future.

That's all for today's episode of Vita's Tip in 10! I hope that you are able to practice this mindset shift the next time nagging fears and anxiety about your business pop up. Remember, you're not alone in facing these fears, and your positive mindset can be your greatest asset.

And if you are looking for more tips just like this, if you’re looking to step into your CEO shoes and work on the mindset shift that goes along with it; if you’re looking for ways to enhance your productivity, if you’re looking for ways to start using a digital project management tool, if you are looking for ALL the systems to run your business like a well-oiled machine – you have two ways of working with me personally.

One is through LuAnn University, my Systems Driven Operations class. And the second is a two-day in-person intensive where I hand over all my systems for you to use and put to work immediately in your business. There are only a couple of openings left this year, and the price will be going up in 2024. So if you’ve been on the fence, if you know deep inside that you need this and haven’t taken action, this is the time to do it to lock in the 2023 prices.

Reach out and we’ll schedule a conversation.

And in the meantime, I will be working on my next episode of Vita’s Tip in 10. See you next Thursday!

Stephanie Hamilton