Vita's Tip in 10: Surprising Way to Attract Money


Hello, hello, friend, welcome to this week’s episode of Vita’s Tip in 10. Today's tip is a follow-up to last week's episode, when I gave you a very practical tip on how to leverage the current increase in interest rates to make the money, sitting in your bank accounts, work for you.  

It was a very practical tip, easy to implement. All you have to do is just get yourself to the bank and talk to the customer service rep. It's as easy as transferring your money to a new account, and you're done. 

By contrast, today my tip is a bit “woo-woo.” It is equally practical, and some of it is just as easy to implement.  

Today, I want to talk to you about the energy of money.  

Some of you may have heard of this term and this concept before and know exactly what I'm talking about, while some of you just thought, “The energy of money? What exactly is that? And what do I do with it?”  

So, if you believe in some of this slightly “woo-woo” stuff, yay! I can't wait to give you my tip. If you don't, it's only a 10-minute show. So - stick with me. 

The other day, I was listening to another podcast, because as you know, I consume a lot of content. And the podcaster was talking about invoicing and the timely manner in which invoices need to be sent out. And she mentioned something that really caught my attention. She said, “Don't expect to be paid quickly, if you yourself have outstanding invoices.” Right there, I had to stop my walk, and pause the podcast because I felt as if she was talking directly to me. 

It just so happened that I did have an outstanding invoice for a plumbing service that was performed in our office. It had been a couple of weeks, and I had not paid it. I did not have a good reason to not pay it. Except to say that I've been busy, I was on vacation, and I had other things to do.  

Now I am a huge believer in this rule:  the energy that we give to money, money gives back to us. So when she gave her listeners this reminder, the very first thing that I did that day was write the check to the plumber. And friend, it took me less than five minutes.  So what was holding me back to begin with were excuses. 

I look at this process as healing. I did it. I completed it. I don’t owe anything to anyone. It is an extremely cleansing feeling to have this task off my desk, and that’s what led me to speak to you about this concept today. 

I truly believe that the way we treat money is important, as I believe that money yields energy.  What I mean by that is just like you as a person, have your own energy, and you feel other's energy, money has the potential to carry that same energy and human experience.  

I realize that to some of you, it may sound a little out there, because money is not a person.  

But the energy of money is what contributed greatly to the success that I have seen as an entrepreneur. So, one tip that I want to give you today is something that I do on a continuous basis, and it is how I show respect toward money. 

There is a great saying in the Ukrainian language: [speak Ukrainian phrase here]. And as all sayings go, it never quite translates to a different language in quite the same way. The translation is that “money likes to be counted.” It doesn't have the same ring as it does in my native Ukrainian language, but what it means is that we need to show a certain level of respect towards money. 

The specific tip that I wanted to share with you is that as a show of respect towards money, you will never see any loose change or loose dollar bills lying around anywhere in my home, office, or car. Instead, everything is neatly folded in my wallet and accounted for. If it's not cash that I want to carry around in my wallet, then it is neatly folded and counted in an envelope in the designated spot where I keep petty cash. 

I know you have seen this many times, or maybe you have experienced this yourself, because either your parents did it or you do it. You come home, and you empty your pockets of loose change. Or maybe you have certain dollar bills that you have found kind of crumbled up in a pocket somewhere in a pair of jeans. You just kind of casually drop it on your dresser, your desk, or your nightstand. You will hardly ever catch me doing that. And that is because, in my respect for money and respect for energy that it holds, I fold it neatly and orderly and give it a designated place to stay. 

Money, to me, is never random, and it is never casual. This is something that I am teaching my kids as well. I’ve told them many times, and I will continue to remind them. If I find bills lying around their rooms, I tend to make it a big deal, as I’m trying to teach them to respect money and give it the treatment it deserves. So my belief is that, if I am respectful towards money then it, in turn, will show the same amount of energy, respect, and abundance towards me. And yes, I am aware of how different this practice and belief is, and that it's a little bit out there. 

 I was born and raised in Ukraine, and then I came to America as an exchange student at age 15. I didn't come here with my parents, and I didn't have any rich uncles. I made my way up through the ranks of the corporate world and then decided to be an entrepreneur and started from absolute ground zero to where I am today. I had to work very hard. A lot of it was business acumen and listening to all the smart people around me. A big part of my success was and continues to be the fact that I have a certain appreciation and respect for the money that comes my way. 

I can tell you that at Vitalia Inc, we celebrate every single dollar. We celebrate every transaction so much that I'm actually thinking of buying a bell. Anytime we get either a deposit or balance due, we would ring the bell so that everybody knows that we are that much richer, and that much more prosperous. There's one more customer who entrusted us with their project. So that is my future plan of recognizing, embracing, and respecting money. I am 150% convinced that part of the reason that our business is a success is because we give money the respect it deserves.   

Oh, wait, there’s one more thing! I even have a very special password that I use for my online banking. In that password, this is how I express, respect, and accept the energy that I've been talking about. Now if you were a student in my LuAnn University class, or if you are one of my VIPs for the two-day intensive VIP experience, I actually share the exact password that I use to access my online banking. Yep, there are no secrets when you are my VIPs. If you want to know how I attract this energy and how I attract money through this password, well, you'll just have to sign up to become one! 

That’s my tip for today, my friend! And if you want to see and experience my respect for money first-hand; if you’re looking for ways to enhance your productivity and workflows, if you’re looking for ways to start using a digital project management tool, if you are looking for ALL the systems to run your business like a well-oiled machine – you have two ways of working with me personally.   

One is through LuAnn University, my Systems Driven Operations class. And the second is a two-day in-person intensive where I hand over all my systems - and my special money-attracting password - for you to use and put to work immediately in your business. I want you to check out both tools because they are different and equally applicable depending on where you are in your business and how fast you want to achieve your goal. And in the meantime, I will be working on my next episode of Vita’s Tip in 10. See you next Thursday! 

Vitalia Vygovska